R.S. Bhandari

Name- R.S. Bhandari
Date of Birth- 30th June 1949
Position Held-
Former Scientist-F and Head, Entomology Division, Entomology Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
Mailing address- 46, Indira Enclave, Harbanswala, Dehradun 248171 (U.K.)
Permanent address- Village-Toup, Patty-Chandpur, P.O.-Ujjwalpur, Karanprayag. Distt- Chamoli (U.K.)
Education qualification- M.Sc., FESI, FAZ, MIAWS.

Professional Trainings 1- D-Course in insect Ecology, Institute of Entomology, Swedish University of Agriculture Science, Uppsala, Swedan.
2- Orientation course in Forestry, Indira Gandhi National Forests Academy, Dehradun.
3. Consultancy for the management of borer infestation on coppice sal in Dadaldhura, Nepal.
Specialization- Forest Entomology, Ecology and management of Forest insects, Aerial spray of insecticide against Forest Insect.

Research Paper published - 82 in various International and National Journals.
Professional experience- 48 years in research and teaching.
Phd. produced- Nine students awarded Ph.D, two still working.
Email.ID- bhandarirs2@gmail.com; Mobile +91 9411712771

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